2019-11-30 | 所属分类:MATTEL验厂 | 关键词:
1 - Risk Management Framework
1.1 - KCO: Risk Management to ensure processes are established
- KCO: 管理上应确保流程的确定
1.2 - Risk Management Framework – Management Review
- 风险管理架构-管理审核
1.3 - KCO: Legislative requirements shall be Identified
- KCO:应确认法规要求
1.4 - KCO: Individual requirements shall be evaluated
- KCO:应评估个别需求
1.5 - Risk Management Framework - Training
- 风险管理架构-培训
1.6 - KCO: Training needs shall be identified
- KCO: 应确认培训需求
1.7 - KCO: Training plans shall be in place
- KCO: 应制定恰当的培训计划
1.8 - KCO: Requirements shall be implemented
- KCO: 需求应得到落实
1.9 - KCO: Ongoing compliance shall be monitored
- KCO: 应持续监督合规性
1.10 - KCO:Training & Capability assessments undertaken
- KCO: 执行培训和能力评估
1.11 - KCO:Management shall review management system
- KCO:管理上应对管理系统进行审核
1.12 - KCO: Management review shall include the key inputs to the management system
- KCO: 管理审核应包含对于管理系统的关键意见
1.13 - KCO:Management review conclusion shall include any decisions and actions resulting from the review
- KCO:管理审核结论应包含所有基于审核结果的决定与措施。
1.14 - Policy
1.15 - KCO: Location management shall ensure that the policy meets requirements
1.16 - Risk Management Framework- Accountabilities
1.17 - KCO: Location management shall be accountable for management of employees, visitors & contractors
- KCO:区域管理应对员工、来访者以及承包商的管理负责
1.18 - Risk Management Framework - Auditing
- 风险管理架构-审核
1.19 - KCO: A Level 1 audit shall be undertaken
- KCO: 应执行 1 级审核
1.20 - KCO: Auditors shall be competent
- KCO:审核员应胜任工作
1.21 - Leg/Reg Compliance
- 法律/规章合规性
1.22 -Performance Improvement
1.23 - KCO: Management shall seek to continually improve [Quality, OH&S & Environment] performance
- KCO:管理上应不断寻求[品质、职业健康安全及环境]方面的绩效改善
1.24 - KCO: Mgnt shall take action to prevent incidents
- KCO:管理上应采取措施预防事故
1.25 - KCO:Mgnt to act to eliminate incident causes
- KCO:管理上应采取措施根除事故因素
1.26 - KCO: Training records shall be kept
- KCO: 应保留培训记录
1.27 - KCO: All aspects of training shall be reviewed
- KCO: 应对培训的各方面进行审核
1.28 - Comms & Awareness
1.29 - KCO: Appropriate training shall be provided
- KCO: 应提供适当的培训
1.30 - KCO: Effectiveness of training shall be assessed
- KCO: 应评估培训之有效性.